If you have any questions about our activities, please contact us. We strive to keep our communities vibrant and active. Click the link to the Activity calendar. Calendar PDF
Here are a few of the residents working hard on their March Madness Brackets! Women against the men for the most wins! We will inform you of the 1st and 2nd place winners! Let there be no mistake about it though...some of these women have done this before and are just as competitive as the men! Could be interesting to see how this all turns out!
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These crafty ladies were being quite creative with their St. Paddy's Day Projects! They were a little unsure of themselves but all it took was to get them started and they were off to the races. The finished product was something to be admired and proud of!
Since restaurants have been opening up to go inside, one resident suggested we have a "Carry-In." Eager to oblige the lady in the bottom of the collage and upon her request, we ordered from Happy Daz. It is so good to get back to a little more normalcy, even if it is a little at a time. Thanks Mary, the residents were thrilled about your suggestion! We don't know where we will order from next month but you can be sure we will be placing an order at one of their favorite food places.
So our Director of Operations comes into work looking prim, proper and professional! However, seeing him on the floor repairing a chair, I couldn't resist! None of us know all the multiple tasks you have in your schedule everyday but we are grateful to work along side with you! Thanks for all you do Mike, we appreciate you!
You heard of Mardi Gras, then due to covid, you heard of "Yardy Gras". Well we celebrated "Carty Gras" in our facility! Our large cart was decorated in a Mardi Gras theme and was loaded with paczkis to be served to all the staff and residents! This is another event that needed to be rescheduled to the year 2022! Hey we just make the best of it and let the good times roll!
These are a few of the residents who received Valentine Visits on Valentine's Day! They certainly enjoyed the special dessert prepared for them but also enjoyed receiving the Teddy Bears and Flower Arrangements! Thanks again to the Elida FFA Students! What a kind and thoughtful outreach on such a special day! It is always nice to be reminded that we are loved!
Love was in the air at Liberty on Valentine's Day! Februcherry Dump Cake/Ice Cream was served and Teddy Bears and Carnation Arrangements were delivered to each resident! Thanks to the Elida FFA Students who arranged and donated those lovely flower arrangements! They did a fabulous job and the residents loved receiving them... even the men!
These are a few of our residents who participated in the Super Bowl Predictions Contest. Sorry men but the ladies walked away with first, second and third places! Congratulations Liberty Ladies! They received a complimentary football candy box that included a monetary prize! Now on to March Madness!
It just isn't a Super Bowl without the typical Super Bowl snacks! Our football themed cart was loaded with Queso Cheese Dip and Chips, Meatballs, Sugar Cookies and assorted pop! To substitute a Tailgate Pre-Game Party, we took the party to our residents, room to room. Included in this endeavor was signing residents up for participation in the Super Bowl Predictions Contest. First, second and third place winners will be announced on our next blog.
Staff and residents receive Covid vaccine. See local TV news coverage. CLICK Read More -